
巴は演歌を歌うらしいが、将来声がつくとしてさ、クソナムコは演歌を歌える声優さんをみつけられるん?(Also, Tomoe singing the Enka way is something I really look forward to listen to in the future, even though I do not know where in the world would Scamco find a VA to do that.)
水樹奈々Mizuki Nana)しかし彼女は望月聖がベストだと思うんだがね(but it would be best if she'd voice Hijiri)
クソナムコ水樹奈々をアマチュアアイドルにあてられるほどギャラ払うんかね(implying Scamco would want to spend as much money as it would cost to hire Nana on an amateur idol)
夢みたってよくね?;;(One can dream right? ; ;)

【モバマス】新春アイドルコレクション追加アイドルについて海外の反応【Chihirogeddon edition】:もばます!
